Some argue that global warming is a scam, others argue that it is real. Which theory do you agree with?
The data doesn’t lie, nor the frequency with which natural disasters occur. Believing that these changes are cyclical can be understood as ignorance, as a way of life without having a weight on consciousness or may be related to ideological issues. We can believe that these mutations are "a scam invented by the Chinese to affect American industry," as the US President, or we can come down to earth and realize that something really serious is going on.
It was in the era of the Industrial Revolution that this 'problem' began to take its first steps. Mass production and its consequent greenhouse gas emissions are at the heart of the matter, but the worst came later. The taste for profit and the capitalist mentality, which has gradually taken root in societies, has accentuated the situation. According to geophysicist Filipe Duarte Santos, "the scientific community is consensual when it says that climate change has its origin in human activity and no new scientific theory has yet emerged that would put this in question."
The temperature is expected to rise to 1.5 ° C by 2040, and by the end of the century the thermometer will exceed 2°C compared to the temperature in 1880.
Is it all a conspiracy theory? There are several young people who believe not. Who want to be part of the change. Who want to make change. Changing mindsets will no longer be easy. There is still a strong belief that “I alone will not change the world,” but are you really alone? Whether we are going to slow down this process is not known, but if we try, we can give our planet and the new generations to come, a few more years to live.
So here are small attitudes that can make a big difference!