I've introduced a new feature which I called "Border Strike". In the previous
version, if you performed contamination on a border piece (ie, corner or gridside)
you would "lose" points (because it wouldn't perform a 4-way split but instead
a 2-way or 3-way split, depending on the situation). I'm trying out a new possibility:
clicking on a level 3 border piece will make it contaminate pieces on the opposite
side of the board. Make sure you send me some feedback on wether you like
this or not, by e-mailing me or posting in the Forum!
Contamination v0.32C released
This version is an innovation of 0.32B. It features some AI calibration from 0.3
and some extra stuff I thought I'd add, which should hopefully boost its difficulty.
Don't forget to send me an e-mail or post something in the forum regarding your
opinion on the changes!
Contamination v0.32B released
0.32B is an evolution of 0.32A's AI. I've balanced its aggressiveness with
some game planning, which should contribute for a bigger challenge. If you have
any comments or suggestions, let me know! And don't forget to drop by our Forum!
Contamination v0.32A released
This version carries only a small change regarding 0.32. The "A" stands
for "aggressive", so you can probably imagine that the change is AI related :).
I've changed the aggressiveness of the computer players regarding 0.32, making
them a lot more offensive. As usual, comments and suggestions are welcome!
Contamination v0.32 released
This version is the result of some minor changes regarding 0.3... I was a bit
undecided on wether should I upload this or wait a while more and finish everything
I consider important to call it 0.35 (a better GUI, more options, etc). I ended
up choosing to release this first, since there were some AI changes I'd like you
to comment :).
Improved AI I did some changes on the AI regarding version 0.3. Some of them
were suggestions provided by players (special thanks go to David
Corbett, who made most of those suggestions :) ), others were things
that I decided to change... either way, if you have any comments
or suggestions, drop me a mail (or post in the Forum :) )!
New Victory Screen I decided to do some changes on the victory screen... some people
asked if I could let'em see the score and turn count on this screen,
so I added'em there. Others also requested to see how the board looked
after the game ended... my initial idea was to "pause" the game and let
the player look at the board... but I ended up coming up with another
idea: placing a smaller version of the board on the victory screen.
Let me know what you think of this.
Bug Fixes I fixed a couple of problems... there was a minor bug with the turn
counter, which I tried to correct (it seems to work well now). I've
also removed the possibility of starting a game with just one player
(which would take you directly to the victory screen). I used this
bug to test the victory screen, but forgot to "block" it in version 0.3...
now it's fixed :).