2008 to present - Researcher at CISUC (Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra)

2007 to 2009 - Master in Informatics Engineering (University of Coimbra)

2007 to 2009 - Integrated Master in Biomedical Engineering (University of Coimbra)

2002 to 2007 - Licenciatura (5 years degree) in Biomedical Engineering (University of Coimbra)

2006/2007 - Internship in AIBILI - Association for Investigation and Biomedical Inovation in Light and Image

2005/2006 - Internship in IBILI -Institute for Biomedical Investigation in Light and Image

2006 - Jornada de Biomateriais (National Conference on Biomaterials)

2005 - I ENEEB (First Portuguese meeting of biomedical engineering students)

2005 - E-BIOM (Portuguese Association of Biomedical Engineering Students)

2002 - Finished HighSchool in Pinhel



Morgado L, Pereira C, Veríssimo P. and Dourado A (2011) Modelling Proteolytic Enzymes With Support Vector Machines, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics (in press)

Morgado L, Pereira C, Veríssimo P. and Dourado A (2011) Peptidase Detection and Classification Using Enhanced Kernel Methods with Feature Selection, 5th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Morgado L, Pereira C, Veríssimo P and Dourado (2010) PEPTILAB: A Computational Tool for Peptidase Data Analysis, Workshop Applications of Computational Intelligence, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra

Morgado L, Pereira C, Veríssimo P and Dourado (2010) A Support Vector Machine based Framework for Protein Membership Prediction, in Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, Vol. 46, Springer

Morgado L, Pereira C and Dourado A (2009) Ensemble of Kernel Machines for Protein Classification, Workshop Applications of Computational Intelligence, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra

Morgado, L.; Pereira, C.; Incremental Kernel Machines for Protein Remote Homology Detection; HAIS'09, Salamanca, 2009 [pdf]

Morgado, L.; Pereira, C.; Biological Data Analysis using Incremental Kernel Machines: A Comparative Study; WACI'08, Coimbra, 2008 [pdf]