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(...)the spirit of ubuntu, a frame of mind prevalent among native people in Africa below the Sahara. The word ubuntu stems from the folk saying Umuntu ngumuntu nagabantu, which, from Zulu, literally translates as:
"A person is a person because of other people".

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook
Peter Senge et al., XXXX

Some work of my own:

My work Telework
1997 - English
The world is changing! Nothing is no longer the same! We have modified this world and we are trying to adapt ourselves to all the changes. One of those changes is the fact that "'close' is wherever there's a phone link!" and it is because of this new principle that doors are being opened to the possibility of people working far away from their usual place of work. And that's what this is all about - the new reality of telework.

My work Paperless Office
1997 - Portuguese
Thanks to technologies, it is now already possible to digitalize printed (or even handwritten) documents, import them into text editors and work them there. It is also possible, for various people, to be working simultaneously in the same document, editing and discussing it for their workstations in different locations. All this give credit to those who believe in paperless office as the future scenary of organizations all over the world.
This text intends to answer to some questions such as how would our lifes be if we could do without paper documents, and what would be the advantages and disadvantages.

My work Empowerment
1997 - Portuguese
This presentation means to give the basics behind this buzzword that is so many times used and so misunderstood. It also points out some common mistakes that should be avoided so as to promote real empowerment.
This work has been done by João Paulo Assunção and me.


Link Management Forum (portuguese site)
Link Information Systems Forum (portuguese site)
Link Meeting on Management and Information Technologies

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Life is a marvellous journey that follows through the narrow alleys of learning. Wanting or not, we are constantly learning. Besides, we all need to learn in order to achieve personal success. Because of that, the learning process has always fascinated me.
I saw learning through different perspectives: through the perspective of teaching, self-learning and continuous life-long learning.

My work New Technologies: the right answer to the special needed
1996 - Portuguese
Using the new technologies in the learning process of people with special needs was the theme of a work I've done some time ago. It gave me special pleasure to do it because I had the chance to talk with people who work directly with deafs and blinds. Look at its presentation here and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

My work SincPro - Process Synchronization
1997 - Portuguese
Technology, namely Internet, has made distance learning possible. Besides, if we believe in self learning, it is essential that materials are provided.
SincPro is a kind of tutorial designed specificaly for the Web and gives some basic concepts on Process Synchronization.
This work has been done by me and Elson Mourão.

My work In Search of Interactive Television
1997 - Portuguese
In every move it makes, mankind finds a new dream to dream, a new goal to reach. This work intends to talk about one of those dreams and about the paths that have been walked... in Search of Interactive Television.

My work Universities versus Learning Organizations
Data - Língua
When one thinks about learning, most certainly one thinks about the teaching-learning process, and following that line of thought, one ends thinking about schools and universities. However, there are lots of things in traditional universities that run against what is now widely accepted as the best environments and contexts for learning to take place. This table was produced based on those differences.

My work INDI - Didactic Intranets
1999 - Língua
The INDI work was the result of some months of study, investigation and thought. It links the learning process to the new lines of management thought, namely knowldge management and learning organizations. Besides, it faces the learning process as something that must be valued as a continuous activity and where the most beneficiated is the learner himself. This work also presents some ideias about using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a commonly accepted representation of an Educational Intranet. The reason why INDI reflects mostly upon Intranets rests on the fact that I do not conceive a learning process to occur without a context and an consequently a community.

My work Modeling a Web-based Educational Environment
1998 - English
This paper aims at stressing the importance of context - a much neglected core component of Web-based educational environments -, relating it to some key concepts proposed by Vygotsky, Argyris and Senge.
To this end, we present some of the learning activities that can be explored in Web-based environments, we relate them to the main learning philosophies and associated cognitive and affective competencies, and we propose a model for the representation of educational intranets that borrows the UML notation from Software Engineering and takes into account both content and context.
Co-written with Prof. António Dias Figueiredo, this paper was accepted to Euroconference'98.

My work Learning Communities in a Web-based Environment: Educational Intranets
1999 - English
The purpose of the present paper is to reflect upon the advantages the Internet can gather and, above of all, upon the benefits learning communities present. It also proposes further approaches to learning communities. Finally, from the alliance between the latter and web-based environments, results a clear concept of Educational Intranets, which this paper also intends to deepen.
This paper was accepted to Euroconference'99.


Link Learning Organizations (portuguese site)

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My work Knowledge Management in portuguese (site)
1999 - Portuguese
This represents the first portuguese site dedicated, entirely, to Knowledge Management. It presents opinion articles, paper summaries, links, quotes, authors, and more. The idea is to make it a dynamic site where news are given and content keeps growing. It results from a big effort of Pedro Coelho and mine.

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